I think I have run my girl ragged over the last three weeks. We have walked over the whole of Sydney and gone to just about every favourite bit I have ever had here in Adelaide. Hanging out with the family has been a lot of fun and watching them get to know Dionne and laugh and joke with her has been awesome to watch and experience. I think we have both put on 10 pounds since we arrived...well, maybe just me...I don't think Dionne could ever put that much weight on. Drat it.
Anyway, we had a beautiful xmas day in the botanical gardens with my whole family together and the weather has been mostly performing well....tomorrow is going to be 106 degrees (41 C)!!!! Whilst part of me would prefer to be in that kind of heat instead of the kind of freezing cold I keep hearing about back in the US, 41 is actually a little too hot, even for me. Think it will be an 'inside' day tomorrow. Our first day out on the ocean resulted in us both getting sunburnt to the point of peeling, which we both kicked ourselves for. We head out to Pt Pirie next week for the whole week with my family and will be on the beach every day while we are there...so hopefully, we have learnt a good lesson this week!
We have our last show here in Adelaide this saturday but before then, we have New Years Eve to celebrate tomorrow. I want to have some moment with myself and with my girl tomorrow where we can reflect on the past year and give thanks for it. Separately and together.
It's been a big year of HUGE changes and exciting developments;
Dionne gave up her job in LA to come and work with me on the road and to develop a new career for herself as well as slotting into performing with me. She proposed, and I said YES with tears in my eyes and happiness in my heart. We gave up our apartment in LA and put our belongings in storage for 12 months. We drove 26,000 miles in 6 months (41,000 kms) touring from one side of the US to the other. We traveled to 4 countries and experienced all of their cultures wholeheartedly. We bought a beautiful house in Indianapolis (which we wont get to live in until April). We fell in love more and more and more and I feel blessed and grateful everyday for the life that we are creating together. And then, to cap it all off.....we got to spend xmas and nye with my family in Australia.
And I got to do what I love doing for another year.
For all of this, and so much more, on this eve of new years eve....I am thankful.
And for you, gentle reader, thank you for being interested in it all for another year. Thank you for turning out to the shows. For buying the cds. For singing along with the songs. For booking house concerts and for continuing to believe in what I do enough to keep turning out.
Here's to a successful, love filled, experience driven 2010........and to taking time to say thank you.
Thank you......