This is a shot from our show in Adelaide last Saturday. I think my favourite part is the fan, see the tilt it's on? That's because it was so damn hot in there we had the fan turned up full trying to cool us off!! I also like the fairy lights.
I am getting ready to head back to the US on Monday. A month has almost gone and I keep having moments where it feels like it's gone super fast and then another moment where it feels like it's gone super slow. I am excited to get home and get into the next phase of my life..the move & the new recording, the touring..and everything that comes with all of those things. But then I also get sad when I think about leaving my family and the comfort of that and knowing life here.
I am feeling a little discombobulated today as things get to a point back there where I really need to be there sign papers, send cds, earn money, make decisions, buy a car, unpack my suitcase (4 months out of a suitcase is a little wearing)...but I am trying to learn how to just enjoy the moment more.
And kinda failing at it...
I think that's the big lesson the universe is trying to teach me at the moment. To be in THIS moment, right here, right now...experiencing and feeling everything and everyone within it. I can tend to get too far ahead of myself sometimes, too consummed by thoughts of other people or other places and I miss the right now. I REALLY REALLY want to GET this lesson...I really want to learn it. Sometimes I think that's the bugger of email and the trackable forms of communication....although, I didn't recharge my Aussie phone this time around, which means in some ways that I have actually be hard to contact. There's something about that that feels nice.
Anyway, I am raving a little...just letting the process flow, fall onto paper....onto screen should I say. I wrote a letter a few weeks back, first time in years I have hand written a felt nice and I was inspired...and it gave my hand cramp (lol).
1 comment:
Hey mardi
oo dont those hand cramps hurt. mate dont be hard on yourself, life has been hard on you lately so you need you to be kind and gentle to you.
love the t shirt by the way, and yes i want it bad
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