I LOVE this sign. I want it on a tshirt. Or a tattoo...well, maybe not that permanent..but a tshirt. It made my eyes wet when I read it the first time. Standing on the shoulders of giants kinda thing....
It's 11.14pm on Friday night..and this post is a little late in the day. I am laying on my bed, drinking a beer, watching bad tv, talking to mates on facebook. Damn, when did I learn how to multi task so well. Actually, I think its one thing all creatives learn....well, at least most creatives I know, know how to multi task really well.
Why is it that TV at this time of the night is full of commercials for horror movies..which I can't watch. I have to turn the tv off everytime they come on, or turn my head away, or mute it and not look...or something, otherwise I will dream about it. Some of the horror movies out now look so damn evil, I just even for a minute understand how some one could watch them and not be affected on some level. I can STILL see images from the first Friday 13th that I went to with my then boyfriend...you can tell how long ago that was.
Or...hamburgers...which makes me as hungry as hell. I swear, I have never really liked MacDonalds..but lately......I just wanna eat big macs.
I know...
Even more evil...
Back to multi tasking...facebook chat is calling.
oh i feel the same way about scarry movies... Night of the Living Dead at 16 ... (now you know why i freaked in the house of horrors) and i totally stopped after Halloween. there was another movie that scared the shit out of me ... i think it was called dicksmack.
That's a great poster. Love it.
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