Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Originally uploaded by martine.locke

My girl and I watched Slumdog Millionaire this morning courtesy of her work academy affiliation. Damn it was a good movie. One of those 'under dog goes through hell only to get what he's fighting for the whole time' kinda stories. It appealed to the romantic in me whilst also wondering how many people had stories like that to tell.

An hour later as I was going for a walk.....I found this on the street. Suburban Burbank no less where the streets are rather clean. Not really sure of the call it was giving me but hoped it was a reminder from the universe that this is the start of what I have been working towards coming more into fruition. That's what my astrology tells me anyway....and more importantly, my gut.

Go see the movie mates, its beautiful and sad.



Dionne Ward said...

...but it has a happy ending. :-)

KCmustang said...

really cool story about you and the universe and finding that on the street. On that day ...on that street.

Anonymous said...

Hey we saw "Australia" this week...have you? It's a really beautiful story and a bit closer to the real history of our country than our school books portrayed in the 70's. Occasionally it's a bit culturally cringey and the word Crikey is used loosley, but I really enjoyed all 3 hours of it...