Saturday, September 12, 2009

Out here...

Out here...
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

In the middle of corn fields, driving back from the Iowa Womens Music Festival. The sun is setting behind us and we are both dusty and ready for a shower. I have this whole new video blog I am working on called 'the creatures that walk our table'. I swear, there were daddy long legs the size of my hand all over the place. Every few minutes we were swiping them off our stuff. So I took footage of them and the ants and the big yellow caterpillers with beautiful head dressings.....they were my favorite.

The festival was a huge success, a great big crowd last night and today and I was happy to see that Michelle Shocked had 'found herself' again. The last time I saw her play was in Australia after she had gone through a dramatic 'come to Jesus' conversion and refused to sing any of her old material. Needless to say, her audience then was PISSED off and typically Australian, they made that fact known. The main thing I remember was an altercation between michelle's husband and a guy on one of the front tables who was quite unhappy about the 'no old songs' thing. I think he ended up with a black eye and being removed from the event...kinda soured the whole show.

Anyway, this time around (and only the second time I have seen her perform), she was warm and engaged with the audience and very very giving and gracious. AND she did all the songs I personally remember her for.

My phone doesn't like Iowa and so has been on the blink since we got here. No photos of the event to show, but here is the pretty sunset as we are driving out of Iowa City!!

Well done to all the crew out there in Iowa. Not only do you have marriage equality but you also run a damn fine festival!


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