Thursday, January 6, 2011


I have spent a good chunk of time, during my few weeks of feeling poorly, writing out my intentions, resolutions and things I want to manifest this year. Pages upon pages of things and then a few pages of things I wanted to leave behind, which I promptly burned.

One thing I want to spend more time with this year is redefining my spirituality. Since leaving organized religion I feel like I have wandered around a little in spiritual no woman's land....taking a little here and there without really spending a lot of time working out what works for me.

I know meditation works for me, so taking time to develop my practice more.

I know thinking deeply about intentions and that which I choose to put out into the world both physically and energetically, works for me. So being mindful and working more on developing that.

Being creative is a chance for me to tap into my spirit more too.

Getting back to myself and my spirit is my quest. To stand proudly and unashamedly on my truth. To love and be loved and to know what I want and to be able to verbalize that proudly. Someone reminded me today that this is my life, that I get to make all the decisions and dictate where I go. That I give what I want when I want.

This is all what I want..

What to you want?


1 comment:

Dionne Ward said...

With love and encouragement...