Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's been a long time between blog posts and all I can say is that life has kept me busy since the last one. It's always interesting to me how things, how creativity, ebbs and flows. I feel like I am being creative and writing, just in other ways right now. Use to be that I would write on here sometimes a few times a day, now I am glad if I can get it once a week. Change. It's a funny thing.

I keep saying to myself 'enough change already'...and then the universe, with it's wicked sense of humor, jumps in and mixes things up. I can imagine, with a wild cackle....interesting that I visualize the universe as a creature with a witch like cackle when it comes to change. I don't enjoy it that much, even though I feel like I facilitate it for myself often.

Anyway, life is grand....and hopefully has settled down for a little while now. Amazing shows coming up, a new live cd that I am incredibly proud of and people around me who I love and am loved by. This is life....in all it's glory. And I am grateful.


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