Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Is the day....

Election day.

The day you get to have a say in the future of the USA. The day you get to take the past 8 years of hurting, complaining and torture.....and actually DO something about it. The day YOU get to stand up for what you believe by making a few marks on a ballot paper.

Can you tell I wish I could vote? Can you tell I will be watching CNN all day as the votes start to come in. To witness this event. That damn prop 8 bill better not pass....60 million dollars spent on something that is nothing more than discrimination. If it does pass, Canada is looking nice (and seeing as my girl can get Canadian citizenship and they would ACTUALLY recognize us....). Stupid fucking bill....anyway.

My friend Adrienne called me at 6.45am to tell me about her voting experience (she baked cookies for the polling booth staff)......and to sing me the 'Obama....Obama....you're my guy' song I randomly wrote at a show a few weeks back.

I want to hear what it was like.....your voting experience. Did it feel good? Did it feel nothing?

Were you empowered?



Anonymous said...

It felt damn good!!!

Unknown said...

I voted 3 weeks ago with my beloved, she works the polls almost every election and I brought her supper. On the way out from the supper drop off I bumped into a cool young kid (18 I am sure) asking me when they would know who won. I told him it will be late as I remembered I went to bed at 1am 4 years ago pretty sure we were going to be screwed for another 4 years. He said, good, I will stay up, I know Obama is gonna win, so much hope. I certainly hope this young man stays the way he is. I didn't have that much faith in my country men.