creating home...a nest...a place to be and grow and relax in and create in and live and love in.
I am such a nomad in some ways, but at least half of me loves to nest.
A little over half right now.....
I love to create a space that is warm and comfortable and inviting. A haven for me and the ones that I love. Filled with original artwork and creations all around....supporting other artists who inspire me (and not one piece of my own artwork is on the walls right now...that is adorning OTHER peoples walls). I love to have warm colors around me and candles...lots of candles. I love to have good books and good music and instruments and paper to write ideas on........or just little love notes.
I don't like to have avocados around me. I hate that infact. It makes me want to puke.
I also don't let mean people into my nest. Or people that are shitheads.
I like to have nice smells...but not too overpowering in a patchouli kind of way. I like to have fresh food and fresh vegetables. Infact, I like to create a garden too (and am already trying to work out where the first crop of veggies can go). I really like being able to gather home grown things (and am grateful for the two orange and one lemon tree out the back...and even the two grapefruit trees even though I don't like eat, I like it to drink....weird, I know).
And I love to have photos and to create a place where I can see the people that I love and who love me, each day. We are working on a photo wall in our studio here in Burbank...and it's a work in progress that will probably change as we are moved or as the photos that are up there fall down (this is CA after all, the land of many tremors). This is not a very good photo of the photos, but it gives you an idea.
I don't really know why I tell you all this. It's almost midnight here and I have spent all day working with my love on our nest...and it's been a lot of fun in a tired body kind of way.
What are your favorite ways to make a nest? I wonder......
Okay, so....back to nesting......or maybe just sleeping now.
Who hates avocados and grapefruit; really?!?!? ;-)
Great post, love. As always.
Nesting . . . I like to paint the walls, purple is very comfortable and green is exciting. Sometimes I paint it more then one color, sort of a permanent instillation, though not in my current home. My partner, likes the idea that we can take the art with us. I figure if I paint most of my time on concrete, in public areas, where most likely it will be tagged; an interior wall wall surely will more likely have a better change of longevity.
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