This is my nephew, Ethan. He likes wouldn't know it from this photo though. I think this might be the 'please don't take my photo' face...or the 'grrr...I am being scarey' face...or maybe just the 'I just did a poo face' least, that's what mine looks like usually.
I am missing out on seeing my family this xmas, first time in 8 years I haven't been back in Jan/Feb or thereabouts. Mostly it's because my visa has to be renewed next year and I have to fly back to Australia to pick it up, which means a trip towards the end of the year but it's also coz of the fear surrounding this economy right now. I really try hard to find the balance between being educated and buying into fear. For about 12 years now I have been a full time musician and earnt a living from being creative...and the universe has looked after me the whole way. So...why would it stop now (telling myself that too). Anyway, I miss my family a lot and know that I am missing out on my niece and nephews growing up. That's a fine line too. Fortunately, my family get what I do and why I do it and are supportive of it. But still...there's the missing to deal with. I just wanted to put this photo of him up because I love looking at him...and his face made me laugh. And because I miss him.
I am in planning mode right now. I went for a huge long bike ride yesterday and stopped for a few hours in between to write about plans and visions and dreams with my sweetheart...just to get it all out on paper and start making it real. Great new ideas for next web thingys... and of course moving to LA has opened up a whole world of film/tv song placement opportunities, which I am excited about. There's no sleeping on this job....or for anyone that is self employed for that matter. Every morning we have to get up and work out what the next part of the job looks like..where it goes next, how it survives and thrives and continues to grow. Well....we all have to do that I suppose, at least personally.
So...back to gazing on the beauty of da kid and letting my kid out to dream.
Adorable photo!!
Keep dreaming the Blue Sky Dreams!
it's a great picture ... i need to come back to it often for grins. enjoy the rides ... i miss them
jeez louise he looks like you..cute and funny pic
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