Thursday, January 22, 2009

The tools of the trade....

The tools of the trade....
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

Its a rainy Wednesday here in Burbank, I am still in shorts but a little chilly in a 'nice to be chilly' kinda way. 1 1/2 cups of coffee into my day that started in a swirl of mental activity.

Where to tour next ; how to work and book 4 months ahead; how to maintain where I have toured and break new ground; how not to be tired of being turned down by festivals and venues and how to continue to not take it personally when people can't even be bothered responding to you; how to continue to expand my creative world (new hand stamped silver necklaces are the latest creative task) whilst continuing to book tours; how to continue to bring in enough income; when to sit and wait it out and when to push hard; how to create a passionate creative life with my sweetheart with both of us being fulfilled and excited by that life; how to travel and where to travel next; how not to get overwhelmed with all the 'how to's'.

Every day when I get up I am responsible for working out the next part...the next job....the next dollar...the next idea. The up side of that is that I get to create the exact life I want, on my terms. The down side of it is that no one else is going to tell me what to do and where (or is that an upside too?) and that sometimes being the master of my destiny gets tiring.

I have been trying to teach myself, this past year, to trust in the 'great plan' the 'universe' and the idea that everything happens at the right time, in the right place whilst still forging ahead and reaching for my dream and finding some sense of balance with that.

But can just be tough to work out sometimes.

So its back to the doodling for now, hoping for a clue....



KCmustang said... that your beautiful doodling? outlines and all? It wasn't like the picture was there and you colored it in??? very nice!!

So remember those great conversations we use to have about manifesting.

My favorite...start with the flower on an apple tree, trace it down the branch, to the truck then to the apple seed and then the earth. It was the flower that knew it was going to be a flower even before it was a seed. You must be the flower as you travel from the point of being a seed.

I am listening to some CD's that are really cool ...Manifesting Change... Always work from the premise that you have the dollars that you are x y and z. Not how am i going to get them.... once you see what you want you are already working towards that .... No rejection is possible because it is already happening or going to happen it is just a matter of when. Our frustration is in knowing when.

i have an extra copy of you want to take a listen... just an average guy who put it all to CD ...

Dionne Ward said...

I love that drawing. It's so beautiful and so reflective of who you are. I am caught up the hows and whens as well, and it's overwhelming at times. The bottom line is manifesting our own destiny, collectively and individually. We both have the tools we need to make it whatever we want.

Anonymous said...

beautiful passion fruit you have produced there...

toolateshecried said...

wow, awesome doodling dood...