So, with all this time 'off' the road, it has left time for other things. Looking for homes that we can make what we want, riding bikes, getting bored and not sure what to do with myself, hanging with mates, making new things for MuseKraft, appearing in short films....and then....
Sticking my hands in mud.....
It's a lot of fun and kinda meditative. Went over to Cathy & Joyce's place tonight (people who read regularly will know them as the 'indy mummas') finish off pots that we had made a week or so back. Before I even got there I had decided that I needed to make a know, one that will become my favorite coffee drinking mug...hopefully to go with the cool house that we buy to do up and make our own. I knew I needed to make a mug so once I had finished sanding my bottle chiller (as I am calling it), I got to working on the mug. With Cathy as my able and very very patient and kind teacher, I was able to finally come up with a funky mug kinda thing that I KNOW I will be proud to show people when they ask...'wow, where did you get that funky mug kinda thing from?". It's fun to be creative in different take a piece of mud and fashion it into something you can use...or just look at and say 'yeah, I made that'. That is one thing I love love love about being creative, knowing that I can look at something and have a whole different experience with it that most people...well, than anyone else but me can have with it. I look at so many things that people declare to be 'trash' and come up with a new way to use it. As Joyce said tonight, I am the eternal optimist that can make something out of it all....
I like that.
I like the giddy feeling I get in my belly when I look at a house that isn't perfect and can see what it could be. I like that I can look at a lopsided, not quite even or the same shape all the way around wet piece of clay and declare it to be the most perfect mug EVER. I don't always get out of the way of myself and I definitely sometimes let my fear of failure get in the way (as is evidenced by my 'nay' to the request to sing the national anthem at a basketball game recently). But when you can take a big blob of dirt, put your hands in it and feel it change beneath your fingers and make something beautiful....well, there's nothing like that feeling to chase all the others away. It's totally sexy and makes my heart glad.
That's my Sunday night...and now I am sleepy, helping mates paint the ceilings in their new home tomorrow, and you know how much fun that is.
Night mates....
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