Thursday, November 20, 2008


My mates Paulie and Angie sent this photo from Indianapolis...they were playing scrabble and this really was one of their words...and they thought of me. Ahh....tis good to be thought of.

I am getting ready to head to the airport again this morning. Flying into Chicago for a show and to pack up my stuff, move my furniture, hang out with my good mates and then meet my girl to drive to Indiana for thanksgiving. I am so over flying. My body is tired from it. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the performance opportunities and the love opportunities I have had at the end of those flights...but I am done for a little while. I have two more flights for the year and then I get to stay close to home until my next tour back to the Midwest in March. Most of my tours between now and then are drive tours....around this area, which also means D can come with me.

I am excited about this next phase in my life...seeing where it leads, what it presents. The possibilities, personally and professionally, to develop and grow and have adventures excites me. I have good mates over this way, people that I call family, and in a city that's renowned for isolation...I feel fortunate that making friends is something that I can do and like doing. And of course, I have my sweet love...who is a gift to me in so many ways and who I am thrilled to explore life with.

But I am also sad to be saying bye to my mates in the Midwest that I saw regularly....even the ones that I would just see more often than I use to. I am also a little sad to be leaving the Midwest actually. I have bonded with that area over this past year and know that the sadness I feel is my moment of grieving it (of course, ask me about that again tonight when I land in Chicago and freeze my ass off...or can't go out for my bike ride because it's too cold). If we believe everything happens for a reason (the jury is still a little out for me on that one...about 5% of the jury, the other 95% believes it)..then the past 9 months of my life in the Midwest was a pivotal time in my growth and I am sure I still don't understand how that time will effect me in years to come.

Aside from the part of the story where I had my heart ripped out and jumped on, I have had some fun fun times, met some amazing people, deepened friendships with people there that will continue on, played some great shows, ridden a lot of miles, written some good (and scathingly good) poems and songs, seen more of the country, gardened, gotten to know myself better and am grateful for all of that. Especially because I do believe, 100%, that it is because of all of that...that I am even here, in this place, right here, right my life. I thank everyone of those folks out that way that I call know who you are. I love ya's.

And now...LAX is calling me. Two more flights...that's it Mardi...just two can do it.



KCmustang said...

I am sad, I didn't realize you were saying "bye" to the Midwest. I suppose I've been avoiding it. Thank you for being here. The path will forever be different since traveling it with you. I miss you already

Dionne Ward said...

Don't worry, KC. We will make it a point to visit as often as possible and you're always welcome here. Sending you big hugs.

Girl on a road said...

For the record....I'm still in denial. Damn.