Tuesday, May 25, 2010

....finding a way to live differently

"radically bring about a transformation of the mind...to not accept things as they are...but to understand it, to go into it, exact it, give your heart and mind into finding a way to live differently. But, that depends on you...and not somebody else."   Zeitgeist: Addendum

I started watching the movie below this morning over a cup of coffee. I couldn't sit and watch the whole thing because of time but I know I am going to want to sit down and watch it fully, to understand it. The whole BP fiasco is pissing me off on a whole new level and I just don't want to sit around and wallow in the thought process that nothing I do will make a difference...that its too big and too scarey or that nothing ever changes. That kind of thinking creates complacency and is exactly what the powers that be would love. That way, they can go about their dirty business and we will all keep quiet...letting them line their pockets with the blood of our earth, with the sweat of the people who have gone before us and the people that are out there working for them...sitting in their fucking gold lined offices, probably smoking cigars and laughing it all off.

Hell is too nice a concept for those people.

I am a believer that conversation and engaging with people helps us create change in ourselves and so am grateful that this movie was suggested to me. To at least keep me learning and open and aware and to give ideas about what I actually can do on my own 'martine level'.

It's two hours long but hopefully a lifetime of change will come from that two hours.


1 comment:

Salspua said...

Thank you, Martine, for looking at Zeitgeist Addendum. I am in tears of gratitude that you've even considered it.

TPTB want us to respond the way we've been responding for decades because it allows things to stay the same. As we remember who we really are and stop playing the game we can't win and create one that is good for all of us, the old way will crumble under its own lack of substance.

As disgusted I am with BP and the corporatocracy in general, I am also filled with joy and the knowing that we can live in a way that benefits us all and is in balance with the planet - for we and the planet are not separate. It is up to us to change ourselves, as it is impossible to change others and the system that is designed to perpetuate itself as it is.

Zeitgeist Addendum helped me to open my eyes and let go of the old programming. I'm not easy to fool anymore. Thank you for watching it and posting about it.

I love that permission is granted to reproduce and distribute the movie freely, as long as it for education and not for profit. That says a lot. (I purchased the movie for $5 on their web site, and it is subtitled in many different languages. www.zeitgeistmovie.com)
