Thursday, May 13, 2010


photo stolen from Jamie Price....thanks mate!!

You know those days when you have a long list of things to do. Things to finish. Things to start. Things to sit and think about a little longer?

And then something happens.

Something that changes everything. None of those things on your list gets done (or hardly any of them) but you really just dont care because the thing you DID do ended up being the greatest thing you could have actually done with the day?

You know THOSE days?

I had one of those days today........

My 'to do' list sitting in my head. A moment with some new friends that was one thing and ended up turning into something else entirely. Something amazing and magical and more unique than anything else in the world.

It was one of those days.....and here is a little moment of evidence to share.

These are some of our new friends here in Indianapolis. Friends that we have magically fallen in with, friends who surely heard the universe whispering into their ears and who came and found us and swept us up into their gracious, honest, welcoming arms.

Our afternoon was spent swapping stories and playing music and drinking margaritas and laughing enormously...and it all happened because we were all willing, in that moment, to be spontaneous.

A moment where we all said...YES.


(or 'fuck, yeah' I would say)


Jamie Price said...

Or absofuckinglutely as we say! :-D

Yes, this crew is good for the soul in SO many know, if you don't mind mile high laundry piles, dishes in the sink, a thick layer of dust, etc. But damn, we're having some outrageous fun.

So here's to a lifetime full of yeses...looking forward to sharing more with you!

swaying mama said...

hell yes! good times to be had with this crazy crew.

come back for dirty songwriting any day.

you both fit right in. HUGS.
