Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My drum gonna make ya...

Damien Rice has a song about playing a drum. It's a hypnotic tune that draws me in everytime I listen to it. The music is intense and the lyrics seems to match the tune...even though I had no clue what it was actually about. I would sing along making images up in my head...or not at all. Just happily.singing along feeling the energy of the tune and the way it felt in my body.

Recently I found out what the lyrics were about and in some strange way I think my body knew it.


(Go look it up, I'm not gonna tell you!!!)

I am sitting here amidst 9 drummers. All absorbed in what they are doing with their hands. Their bodies. Making music as though they have no other choice. It has to come out of them. It's the only way.

It reminds me of the power of music...the power of letting your brain connect to your hands, connect to your drum, connect to the world.

Bloody awesome.....

Back to smacking the skin....(ha ha...oh damien would laugh!!)


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