Saturday, November 6, 2010

Here we go....

Here we go is the day.

Everything is ready.

Well...almost....I have to wash my hair.

THEN I will be ready.

I am doing my first ever live solo recording tonight. The show is sold out, people are excited, I am excited..and a little nervous. I have been working on releasing attachment to anything being perfect. The idea is to catch a live all it's glory...and I want to remember that as I play, as I speak, as I be. I was  dreaming last night of things I want to say and hopes I have for the night and for what is captured.

I also had a dream that I forgot to thank everyone for all their work and promptly woke up and reminded myself that the show hadn't actually happened yet and it was okay...

Honestly, I mostly want to forget that it's being recorded and just do what I do. Be who I am. In all my glory.

I am sure more will be posted on here throughout the day, and if you are friends with me on facebook there are already a tonne of photos and video up there. I am blessed to have wonderful people around me as we all walk into this experience together and know that I couldn't be doing it without the talent,  belief and the love of all of them too. My heart is so turned towards community that I feel myself well up when I think and see all of their faces in my mind. How is it that I am blessed by such amazing hearts. we go peoples.

See you on the other side!


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