Wednesday, November 24, 2010

to thank...or not to thank.

It's thanksgiving here in the States tomorrow and for such a 'thankful' holiday it's interesting to witness how much grief it brings people. Obligations and anxieties about family get togethers and how long to spend where. What to take, what not to take, what to wear, how much to drink beforehand....

It seems like far too much pressure for a day of thanks.

Now, lets not even go into the meaning behind the actual day. That's a whole other fucked up story.

On this day, I am choosing to be even more conscious for the things I am thankful for. To have gratefulness in my heart for my life and for the people who love me. My plan is to take some time when I wake up to reach towards something bigger than myself and just say thank you.

And then go out and eat, drink and be merry and laugh with people who love and are loved by me.

Happy day of thanks mates.....


1 comment:

Kimberly Kelley said...

Sounds lovely. Wishing Linda and I could be merry with you all... Have a great holiday mate!