Friday, November 2, 2007


Really, I'm not so much trying to show you my ass, in as much as I am trying to show you the HUGE rip I just put in my favourite jeans when I got out of the car to stretch.

Oh....and the pretty fall tree that matches my hair. (yes, I know you can't actually SEE the rip....I am at a public rest stop trying to be a little inconspicuous as I take photos of my ass).



Tour Wonk said...

Now, what kind of asshat takes a pic of their ass, trying to show a rip in their jeans, and doesn't show the rip?

And can I just say I really only wanted to comment so I could put the word asshat in your comment section twice in one post?

Anonymous said...

I agree! I want to see the rip... :-)

Anonymous said...

wow you head looks big in that