Monday, August 9, 2010

Declaration of Principles....

The author Paulo Coelho, writer of one of my favourite books The Alchemist, has a blog and recently I was passed a link to his 'Declaration of Principles'.

I was immediately captured by the first one:

1] All human beings are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.

I adore that idea and live that belief. I got called 'weird' once and for a while I was a little offended by the thought....and then I spent time asking 'well, isn't everyone like that?'....and now, I just proudly accept the title.

I am happy to be weird. 

Reading his declaration got me thinking about my own set of beliefs in this world and how much they aligned to his. I think like minded people often draw to themselves other like minded people and it didn't surprise me how much I clapped my hands at his beautifully eloquent set of principles. Rather, it made me feel not alone in the world again whilst also wishing that I had've written them the way he wrote them. 

They just make so much sense.

6] Each human being has his own sexual profile, and should exercise it without guilt – provided he does not oblige others to exercise it with him/her.

Watching the debate around Proposition 8 in California over the past few weeks has been maddening in a 'I can't believe how much time and money people have spent over this stupid thing' (oh so eloquent martine). And I have decided that I am going to get a tshirt made with number 6 on it and send it to all the folks who have spent bazillions of dollars fighting for Prop 8 to be upheld....or should I say, fighting for discrimination to be a right. I am so tired of religious bodies believing that it's fine for them to stand in judgment and condemnation of the rest of the world.

Anyway, my brain is not quite focusing this fine monday morning but hopefully passing on this set of Principles will cause you to have a it did me this morning. Thinking is a good with anything, in moderation.

To read more of them head over to here: Declaration of Principles.

See if any of them make sense to you and I would love to know what and why.

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