Sunday, August 23, 2009

The grief of distance...

The grief of distance...
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

We just spent the day with Dionne's dad, Dale, and step mum, Ginny.

I love them both a tonne. Great, fun, enlightened people who I enjoy spending 10 hours with talking about politics, wine, religion and life.

And, they both live in CA. Which is a few thousand miles away from where we are living right now.

They asked if we could go look at some of the houses d and I have been looking at. They were excited to be involved in the process with us. Knowing that it means a lot to us and that they wanted to be involved in something that meant that much to us.

I love them for that, and for the questions and the challenges they put to us in our business and in our lives.

But they live a long way from us. And again, it reminds me of the grief I feel when I think about the people I love who are a long way from me. My family and my great friends who live all around the country and the world....and how much I wish we could be closer.

I watched as Dale held Dionne tonight and told her how much he missed her and how proud he was of her and how she had to live her life in the way that she loved. I see the way he looks at her with pride and the deep love of a beautiful father. I see the way in wich he honors and respects and cherishes our relationship and I felt so honored to be a part of this. To have my faith in fathers restored and to have tears well up in my eyes at witnessing the beauty of their relationship.

Somewhere it heals part of me too.

But damn, the distance is a fucker.


1 comment:

Dionne Ward said...

Beautiful post...thank you.