Sunday, August 9, 2009

The visitor...

The visitor...
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

Can you see him there? I found him crawling or running up my arm and he scared the shit out of me. but I stood and watched in amazement as he came running back towards me, turning his head my way as I spoke to he somehow understood everything. I got down to his level and watched him, or her, follow the sound of my voice, turning his head like an inquisitive child. He reached out his little stumpy arms and pulled himself up onto this table (from the arm of the chair) and ran straight for my margarita spill......and I am certain that I saw a smile on his face.



Dionne Ward said...

Lol...great post and great photo! He/she was an amazing little creature.

Staci Street said...

A Mantis after my own heart! : ) I wish that sometime you can be where they have just hatched or whatever they do... it's amazing to see hundreds of perfectly shaped babies less than an inch long!

KCmustang said...

Marcia said...

We sometimes get praying mantises (is that the plural?)on our back fence or plants. Haven't seen one this summer, though. Staci was right---babies are so cool. Did this one get drunk on your margarita spill?!?