Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The GINORMOUS watermelon...

This is my first ever home grown watermelon. It's so amazing to watch it grow, literally centimeters  every day.

This photo is rather deceptive in that my watermelon is only about an inch and a half long (I know I am confusing those of you who believe in learning one form of measurement or the other...trying to keep it fresh people).

I know I rattle on about my garden all the time and people around me are likely getting sick of the same way people get sick of hearing about new children, or new puppies...I suspect. But in the same spirit shared by new parents and new puppy owners....I DON'T CARE!!!!

I love it. I love watching it grow. It teaches me about patience and real honest reward for real honest work. I sometimes feel like I work in a 'world' that has a skewed idea of this is a real balancing work for me. It brings me back to earth, gets my hands dirty and I feel true joy every time I get to pick something that I have watched grow for weeks and

EAT it.

...unlike a new parent...or a new puppy owner.

It's creativity in a whole new form and I feel like this year has been all about that for me. Not limiting my creative energy to just one area. It's been strange, at times scarey, ego challenging and definately has given me pause for thought many times. At the end of the day, I feel like my world is more balanced than ever in the creative...and in all ways actually. I feel calm, I feel inspired, I feel loved, I feel safe, I feel like my input is mostly equal to my output, I feel in awe and I feel energized by this world I get to dream up and live in.

And perhaps soon, I will get to have a watermelon party.


1 comment:

Dionne Ward said...

What an awesome photo of an awesome fruit!!! Love it. Love you and all of your creative ways!!