Friday, March 13, 2009

Arizona bound

Arizona bound
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

Okay, so its 6.30am. I have been awake since 5.30am. I am laying in my warm bed as I write this, listening to the LA traffic get moving outside. I am excited to be heading out on our first official road trip in our new mini van, I mean, Tour Bus.

We adorned her with our favorite stickers yesterday. Here she sits. In our driveway. All pretty and stuff.

We are hitting the road big time this year. Dionne is quitting her job, we are packing up our apartment and putting our stuff back in storage. Packing the van with everything we will need (and a few things we just want) for the next year....and come May, will be driving across country to begin the adventure. We will have official home bases with family members here in CA and in Indianapolis and some great friends in between tours. I have shows coming in all over the place....festivals we are playing at and some we are just selling our musekraft wares at, house concerts all over the country, new venues in new cities and photos waiting to be taken, songs waiting to be written. And we are a 'wish we were just doing it right now' kinda way.

Some people might think taking such a big leap is crazy in this economy, but we haven't met any of those people yet. Everyone close to both of us send us out into the world with their blessings, support and their own excitement for what is ahead of us.

If there's one thing both of us have learned in the last 12 months, its that life is too short to sit around wondering and wishing....or waiting. Dreams require action and risk and as my mate Kimberley told me last March when I left San Francisco for Chicago, with terror in my heart, 'leap, and the net will appear.'

So, look out for us in our mini, I mean, tour bus. Obama on one side, me on the other.

You ready for the next adventure mates?


1 comment:

KCmustang said...

where is the bike rack??

Safe travels...the world is coming towards you... waiting for you to arrive.

much luv to you both....