Sunday, February 21, 2010

FAIR DAY......

We arrived back in Sydney last night and found out that it was fair day here in Sydney on Sunday. Fair Day is the equivalent of Pride Day in the US.

A huge park, lots of naked men wearing chaps, free condoms and lube, lots of know, everyone being just who they all their glory.

We walked around it holding hands, smiles on our faces, sweat on our's was so fucking hot we could barely last a few hours but came away with lots of fun photos and swag. None of which we have room for in our bags (which by the way we are putting off repacking because we are scared of how much shit we have to pack...).

D is making her way through a pack of tim tams and we are all indulging in yummy frangelico while we sweat up a storm here in Sydney (secretly I am jealous she can eat tt's and put on NO weight at

Homeward bound....


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