Thursday, February 4, 2010

Me and a Kite

This is an Australian Black's only a baby, about 18 months old. It sat on my arm and I looked deep into it's eyes as it looked deep into my brain...a kite can see so well that you could hold a newspaper a mile away and it could still read the headlines. I felt like it was checking out the lines in my brain as it looked at me and seeing my own reflection in it's eyes was kinda humbling.

We have a week and one more show left in WA. It's been awesome to be here. To hang out with mates, to do some great shows, to swim in some awesome water and to just be. My heart pines for the house that we have bought and the home we will create but I am trying to keep myself present here right now, enjoying every moment. Being grateful and open to the possibilities. A million people have asked us if or when we are moving back and my mate Jemma keeps threatening to hide my passport. Who knows really, but not right now is the answer.

Keeping in the moment...


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