Wednesday, December 19, 2007

6 days before xmas

Really, there's nothing to say about that fact, other than feeling the need to state it. My life has been so turned upside down over the past two months that I barely remembered it was xmas. This will be a strange holiday time for me, it already is, maybe its strange for you too.

Anyway, it does feel nice to not be overly caught up in the shopping craziness. To know that I get to hang out with some of my oldest friends here in the US and eat and drink and laugh and probably cry....and then take all their money in a serious game of poker.

The cd is on its way to being finished. Still has some backing vocals that need to go down and I am hoping that gets done this weekend and then we can start to put this baby to work. Sorry aussie folks, I doubt its going to be pressed in time for me to bring it with.

And now, I am on my way back to my little cubby hole to rest my weary body. I am looking forward to 2008!



Connie said...

Lets drink to having a great christmas with friends and family, to tears of sadness and joy and to a wonderful new year.

Mardi looking forward to seeing you when you come to perth.


Anonymous said...

ok i am off to slash my wrists!!!! no new cd...can you see me pouting!!!!!!!! huh huh can ya...

just kidding....but i want a preview in my lounge room damnit!!

miss ya, love ya cant wait to you see the ps2 already to go, wine is chilled, girls are locked and loaded and ready to go and i have so many dumbarse alex stories of my exploits in the last 6 months with women you will laugh so hard I'll be needing to stitch up your sides.