Friday, December 28, 2007

The view from here

This is a painting I look at as I write. It reminds me of home and feels calming to look at.

I just had a song wake me up, its been a long time since I felt a rush through my body that caused me to sit upright at 4am, turn on my light and write. I am glad I have the space to do it.

I am working out that I don't want to filter so much in my writing. That I want to let things fall as they are, as they most authentically feel right at that moment, without then needing to doctor them.

This song I call my 'torture' song right now. Its from the part of my imagination that takes something I hold really dear to my soul and then imagines it gone, taken away. It causes me anguish to sing it and to write it, but its real at this moment in time, and I am certain I can't be alone in the feeling.

Someone once told me that the brain knows no difference between fantasy and reality. That the emotions and the feelings your body goes through in one is the same for the other. Not fully sure why I share this, other than for the fact that is what my body feels right now as I write this.

Back to the writing then....


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