Sunday, September 14, 2008

The salt cave....

So, this morning we all went to this new salt cave thing. I thought it was a natural salt cave but no, its a person made salt cave and basically you sit in it for 45 minutes and its meant to feel like you've been at the ocean for 3 days. I am not sure about that and I am not sure I need to do it again, but I am all about the healing properties of good salt.

Its been raining for days here in Chicago and its pretty amazing to see how much water there is everywhere. I just drove past a cemetry and the water was up to the top of some grave stones. Sharon and Patty's basement is in ankle deep water and I am on my way back to see if my salt-a-fied body will help soak it up. Lol.

Thanks for all the photos yesterday, the response was bloody amazing!!


1 comment:

Girl on a road said...

Maybe if we went the recommended 10 sessions (45 minutes and $15 each)....we would feel the benefits more than we are.

I'm sure it's because we only went that one time that we don't feel the maximum healing power of the salt.

Thanks for being game for the adventure....

Hey - the good news is that next time you come over, my bike will at least be back from the shop....and it's bound to not be raining!
