Friday, September 5, 2008

The story of the stump..

Regular readers of my blog will know the story of the stump (read back over the last 6 months if you don't). Basically, there use to be a tree stump in this hole that seemed to match parts of my second it reminded me of love, the next it reminded me of destruction and betrayal, the next of new life.

I am sitting on the front verandah waiting for kc to come pick me up to drive down to indy for the tado and I sat here looking at it again and low and behold if it doesn't seem to match my journey.

See, the stump was pulled out while I was away on this last tour. Roots and all. And they are preparing the hole for something new. It was a reminder to me about how sometimes we need to remove things out of our lives that don't serve us. That only hurt us. At the time, it seems like an impossible task, to big to even fathom and filled with so many questions of why, how and WHAT THE FUCK!! But.....its the only way to make room for the new, for things that will bring beauty and life and joy and growth to our lives. Its hard to realise at the time that sometimes in taking care of ourselves, it means ripping out the roots and closing the door, sometimes on people we loved.

Today, this is where the story of the stump went for me.....and it made me smile really big (and be really excited to see what they are going to put here next!!).


1 comment:

Connie said...

i am gonna have to start calling u Lama as in dali Lama, oh wise one