Thursday, February 26, 2009

phase seven million six hundred and fifty three....

So, you know, still in overwhelmed mode over this way. Trying to keep up with musekraft orders and ideas and then show offers and requests for later in the year and in the midst of all of that, trying to make a plan for us to 'take it all up a notch'. It's really quite amazing to witness all the show offers and requests coming in and I feel like I/we are going up a nice little learning curve with negotiating asking for what we want and for me, believing that I deserve it. My astrologyzone chart for this year talks a lot about all the planets being correctly aligned and being clear about what I want and then asking for it...that it will all come. know, some emails have gone out to outlandish places lately, just for the hell of it. I figure, you don't get if you don't ask. We asked Patty Larkin a few days ago if I could come open for her on a tour....who knows. Don't get, if you don't ask....

There are some pretty big life decisions being made over this way and I read my girls blog and she talks about the fear mixed with the wonderful excitement of making changes and going after the life she wants. It's all good but as my mate Valerie says, if you don't have some aren't reaching high enough. She be right. It's all the 'pre-step' stuff that makes things hard I think....the lead up to actually DOING it.

Anyway, Dionne is out with me on a number of shows over the next month and you bet it's a lead up to more. Musekraft is going to be making an appearance at a number of the festivals I am performing at this year and we just secured a spot for both of us at Milwaukee Pride. we go rest for the wicked.



KCmustang said...

it all gets done in its time. so happy for you!

i like what Valerie says... keep reaching!

Dionne Ward said...

Reaching higher than the stars...and beyond.