Friday, February 20, 2009

The state of here...

The state of here...
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

There are two people who 'live' on glen oaks boulevard in Burbank. Both of them have taken up residence on different parts of the street and you can usually find them by this. A pile of suitcases and boxes and bags with all their belongings, just sitting in the street like this. I know one of them doesn't speak English coz I tried to talk to her oneday and she just looked at me confused ( or she was just surprised that someone was talking to her) (or, she doesn't understand Australian) (or.....).

Anyway, its always a very intriguing thing in a 'how did our society get like this' kinda way. a 'how the hell do they move all their stuff to different parts of the street' kinda way.

It always makes me feel sad though.....


1 comment:

KCmustang said...

or LOST is real and living in glen oaks .... or she is talking to her angels.

i feel better when those that live on corners are in warm climate. it is so hard to see this in Chicago cold and as diligent that they are to their life i always wish for an escape route to Florida or warmth.