Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our adventure......

Our adventure......
Originally uploaded by martine.locke

She was our adventure today.
We saw her running along riverside drive, a really busy road here in Burbank. We were crazy stressed from a morning of dealing with banks who don't recognize domestic partnerships and then we saw her. She almost got hit a few times as we tried to calmly guide her out of the way. We could see her heart beating hard against her chest, scared out of her mind, and she just kept running. We got down on all fours, we cooed and tried to coax her towards us. Then, exhausted, she hid herself under this car, alongside the road and put her head down to have a sleep.

We sat on either sides of the car to stop her from running out and waited for animal control to come and help her out. Two other neighbours joined us, one brought doggie treats and water to try and get her to eat.

Finally animal control tried to get her and she ran to Dionne and is hopefully on her way to her owners now. I secretly wanted her to be the official tour dog....but, it wouldn't work right now. Oneday perhaps.

Now, onto the non fun parts of the day....(and no, this doesn't count as the one fun thing of the day).


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