Saturday, April 4, 2009


Been working on this for a few days and am glad to finally share it.



KCmustang said...

This is really really beautiful.
i get spirit bumps up everywhere when i watch this. So much love.

As D releases the bag love, trust, honor, commitment and peace are present. It is an honor to watch this video.

believe in the wind. if it can carry and direct the hawk and the eagle it can carry us too.

really good work mate. no better song choice!

Connie said...

Sob.........that is amazing, it is also amazing that you guys shared this intimate moment with us. i feel honored to be part of a community that spreads across so many miles and miles. you guys have created that, bless you both mwa xxx

Girl on a road said...

So....tomorrow would have been my Dad's 69th birthday.....and the tears that have been lurking just beneath the surface are all tumbling right out as I watch this beautiful video. Thank you for sharing....

Anonymous said...

This truly is an amazing video and I am beyond honored to "be a part of the moment". Thank you for sharing this intimate and personal moment with me.
Love you both!~Suz