Sunday, August 17, 2008

Venice Beach

So, I am a beach snob at the best of times. When you have grown up at some of THE best beaches in the world, its no wonder. As a kid I spent a big chunk of my summers at a beach somewhere and even as an adult I get to the point where I pine for a good ocean visit. I have though been known to lift my nose in disgust over some of the beaches I have been to here, they pale alongside somewhere like yallingup beach in western know, an ocean that is three colors, white white beautiful sand, perfect weather.

But you know, walking freely with the hand of my new sweet love in mine kinda makes any beach seem perfect in a 'ahhhhh' kinda way. Or maybe I am just a little light in the head right now.....

Yup, I think that's it....

Happy Sunday sweet mates



Girl on a road said...

respectfully requesting waders and buckets be provided to all your contain all the sticky GOO!

seriously - smiling so big for your happiness.


Anonymous said...

Smiling too...BIG!!!!