Monday, August 4, 2008

Mondays rain...

If my arms had have been long enough you would have seen me jumping into this puddle two seconds after taking this photo. Its a rainy, stormy day here and damn if it aint a fine Monday. I have been smiling for days and not even a rainy, stormy Monday can stop that.

I head out to Utah this week to play the Red Rock Music Festival in Torrey. Ms JJ Jones will be joining me there for our first official show all I can say about that.

Then I am in CA for three whole weeks, doing shows all around Nth California (including the NorCal womens music festival where we get to sleep in a teepee), hanging with mates and if the past month is any indication, you will find me smiling big and hard for that whole time (okay, probably some times more than others...but).

Life is so full of sweet surprises, if we are open to them. I have spent so much time worrying that the past 7 months of my life had left me wounded and changed to the point that I wouldn't recognise myself again and yes....I have been forever changed in my core, learnt some massive lessons and things about myself and others that I would have prefered not to .....but as I stand on the edge and within the sweet surprises that life continues to bring me, I am ecstatic to witness my witness its growth, its willingness to be open again and to stand on the edge of a pool of water....and finding myself WANTING to jump.

Happy Monday my mates....



Anonymous said...

you sound very happy lovey
what's her name??

Martine Locke said...

really....?? am i THAT think the answer be YES

KCmustang said...

Hmmm almost makes me want to go back to church. "Oh Happy Day.... Oh Happy Day.... yadda yadda yadda"

Anonymous said...

Jump in...the water is fine.

megster said...

totally sweet...sounds like some xtra xtra fun stuff on the way for ya..wish i were there to catch some of those gigs..seems it will be fantastic..keep smilin..thanks for sharing your joy!