Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Somewhere....Out There

Every day, anywhere from 2-6 hours a day it seems, there is someone living in one of these buildings (which is right behind our house in Burbank) who practices violin. Sometimes the same piece a few times over, sometimes I can recognize the tunes from one day to the next. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and the mystery violin player is already playing...sometimes I will be doing something through my day and just stop and realize that he/she is playing again. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes its slow and mournful, sometimes it's happy and cheerful.

But, it's the most beautiful violin playing you have ever heard.

Most times, I have to stop myself from going window to window to see if I can find who it is and stand below their window and clap...feeling like I am somehow privy to the most beautiful performance ever in the whole world.

I have found my heart touched by the playing...my self inspired by the level of dedication to their art...mostly I have found myself breathing a sigh of relief for a moment...aware of beauty and peace and light and love.

Wherever you are, mystery violin player, thank you...



Connie said...

Martine its dare time, i dare you to go and find that player and say those things to them, the ones you wrote. people do not get enough positive feed back in their lives. Are you up for the challenge?

Dionne Ward said...

Let's do it!!!

KCmustang said...

I love this post it is so beautifully written. While I love the dare there is a beauty and a gift in the unknowing of the violinist. The great thing is that your heart was open to receive the gift