Thursday, November 27, 2008


Its thanksgiving today here in the USA and we are down in Indianapolis with D's family to celebrate and be together. Its a tough thanksgiving,given that its the first holiday without Tyler. This was actually meant to be the first official time Tyler and I met in person. We had planned thanksgiving down here about 8 weeks ago....I still remember d asking me to come down here with her, in a nervous 'first' kinda way.

We are sitting out the back in the know, that cold that makes all your bits wake up and quiver. Playing music and having moments of great sadness. I look at my love and see the deep sadness in her eyes and it makes my heart ache. To try to take this away from her...not my place, but its what I wish sometimes.

I sit and think on the things I am thankful about and then I took this photo. Literally a second later, I took another and the sun rays you see in this shot, were gone. She looked up and said 'hi Ty'.... Makes me weep just thinking about it...

I am thankful for her. For her love, for the beauty, the inspiration, the way my heart has been healed and moved...and for the fun, the immense laughter we share and even the heart ache that has come from being this close to tylers passing this past month.

Every day, I am thankful.

And I am thankful for you sweet readers....for the love and encouragement you send and have sent my way this year. I remember distinctly where I was this time last year....and I am grateful, even more so, for now.


1 comment:

Connie said...

that is an amazing post mardi, only seconded by the amazing photo that encapsulates the ver essence of your words..... once again your words and there sensitive move me to tears. happy thanks giving guys, tyler is with you in spirit and i bet he is basking in the love you guys feel from him, the sun rays are his glory.

take care
connie xx