Friday, November 21, 2008

This WILL make you cry...

Keith Olberman Speaks Out On Prop 8 - and asks supporters of prop 8 how they can reconcile their actions and beliefs. Stop Prop 8 -

It's a pretty amazing monologue against an unfair, unjust and just damn wrong proposition.



Dionne Ward said...

That is amazing!!! Wow,

Anonymous said...

It's frightening to see so many people in a state (and country) so against basic human rights. Olberman 'gets it' and what Prop 8 really says about us as human beings.

Thank God there are people out there who see the insanity of Prop 8 and who do not blindly follow someone else's convoluted religious and moral beliefs without thinking it through for themselves about what it's really saying. It's not a gay vs. straight, religious vs. non-religious, moral vs. immoral issue. It goes down to the very core of who we are as human beings.

God help us all.

Thanks for posting this.