Monday, October 20, 2008

The end of this day...

Its been a long day over here in St. Vinnies land....we all spent the day in various waiting rooms around the hospital, talking and trying to keep each other fed, watered and positive. Friends dropping in and offering sustainance and positive words and laughs throughout the day helped. I got to ride in a police car and make it go wooooo.....thanks for indulging me in that moment P.

Its only 12 hours since we all congregated with Tyler and damn if it doesn't feel like 24 hours. It was tough to watch everyone visit with him in the ICU after surgery. To watch them see him all bandaged up and with tubes coming out of him. Yes its all part of the process and hell, brain surgery aint pretty....he is a very loved man and everyone is grateful tonight that the doctors are so positive about it all. Dr. Young was the man who took care of da business and after 5 hours of operating on him (listening to old time blues, jazz and then African sengali music while he operated) (yes, we asked), Dr. Young felt like he got it all, which is great news.

The next 24 hours are crucial as tests are completed and his recovery is monitored. Thank you for your thoughts, we are very powerful beings you know.

See you tomorrow mates


1 comment:

megster said...

that is fantastic news..will keep thoughts/prayers coming for all those requests..peace out :-)