Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday ponderings...

So the sun just came out here in Chicago for the first time in two days. I don't do gloomy weather very well, its anti Australian.

I am getting ready for my show tonight.....running through old songs, checking equipment and strings....i had the tv on in the background checking in on the opinions of last nights debates....which didn't last very long coz it was a bit frustrating. Anyway, I was flicking through channels and happened upon an trailer for some horror movie and I had to turn my head away and change it as fast as possible.

Something that is new for me this last year is that my whole being has become really sensitive to things like that. I can't listen when people are telling gory stories or reliving events that were painful to them. I have to stick my fingers in my ears and sing la la until done. I can't watch or read a lot of news and I definately can't watch anything that is gruesome or even on the edge of scarey. Even if I see a trailer for a horror movie, it takes me a while to get it out of my head. I attribute it to the trauma of my year, believing that it changed me on a cellular level. Sometimes I find new things or new reactions that I have to learn again. Its strange. But I am also grateful for it because it means I be more conscious about what I let in....and that's always a good thing, no?

Back to tuning....will send photos from tonights shows.


1 comment:

Tink said...

That's funny, the same thing happened to my partner after she went through a traumatic breakup. Years later she's still sensitive about gore, blood, violent crimes, etc...whereas she used to watch/read/listen to that stuff. Never heard anyone else mention this sort of thing, so I thought I'd let you know that you're not alone. Hmm! Interesting! I personally think that you're right - it's not a bad thing to not take that stuff in.