Saturday, October 11, 2008

Those that read my blog know about my sweet love Dionne. She gets on a plane to Indianapolis tomorrow morning at 6am with her dad and step mum and I meet them down there tomorrow after my show. Send her and her family good thoughts if you can at this time. Her bro is in hospital tonight awaiting news of 'what's next' for a tumor that's been discovered in his brain stem, as the family all heads in to be with him. Everyone is positive about it, but you know, sometimes its hard to keep that up with so many unknowns going on.

Any prayers, positive energy and thoughts in their direction is gratefully welcomed and received.

Thank you mates, what a great supportive community of people you are. And so powerful you be.



KCmustang said...

Sending healing thoughts to D and her family. Hope and Faith are at work and there is no stopping them in a time of need. I am certain there are many angels at her brothers side. I am also sending prayers to the doctors and the surgeons so that they may be directed to administer the best care to her brother.

Anonymous said...

Love and healing to Dionne's brother and all those who love him.

Connie said...

May the wings of a hundred angels carry these healing thoughts and best wishes to you, your family and your brother DW. Take care

Tink said...

Lots of good vibes......

megster said...

sending healing thoughts and prayers to your bro and you and your family at this time DW and also for a deep awareness of Peace and Hope to carry you all thru...

Girl on a road said...

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers....

Believe me, I "get" the challenges with keeping a positive attitude going in the face of so many unknowns and scary outcomes. I soooo get it.

But - on the other hand, our bodies and spirits are miraculous, and we live in a simply amazing time for science and medicine.

Keep the faith and be safe. Big love to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your support, love and positive energy. I, and my family, appreciate it very much.