Friday, October 17, 2008

Look Out Indy...

Sarah Palin is in town....just thought you would like to know...incase you wanted to join the protest.

Out this way, half the household is going to hear her speak and the other half is going to watch the opening of the new movie W (pretty much at the same time SP is actually speaking)...which of course is going to ridicule and expose the stupidity of the current president. It's been a long time since I have spent any time with a passionate republican..I just don't get it...probably in the same way they don't get how I can't be one. It's interesting to note that they are actually human too......well, so far.

I figure I still have a few weeks to work on them and then you know....if that doesn't work, I am going to pull out the big guns with a line like 'any vote FOR them, is a vote AGAINST your gay daughter'. (Taking a few hints from Sarah Silvermann). Lets see if that works....


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