Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The view from here.....

I know, incredibly creative but its to early for me. Infact, I only just realised we were at the airport. It's been a tough 24 hours and I know we all sit here at the airport not sure if its the best thing to be doing. But jobs and lives await and after 2 weeks of hospital food, playing cards, getting to know each other better and waiting.....we are all heading back to LA together.

We will be back in a few weeks and your continued thoughts and prayers for Tyler are gratefully received. He took a few steps back over the weekend and more surgeries are scheduled for later in the week to help relieve pressure in his brain and still, there is so much unknown.

Thanks mates....


ps.....can I just add, it's fucking cold here....I have new admiration for my midwest mates who live and thrive through colder than this every year.....I know, I am a wuss. I admit it. Give me 110 degrees any day....

1 comment:

KCmustang said...

Seems the older I get the less I thrive in this midwest cold. All I want is two more Saturdays of 60 degree rides! Safe travels and good thoughts. I called all the healers I know to Tyler.