Sunday, October 19, 2008

The View From Here.....

Driving take out food to everyone back at the house, the sunset was beautiful to drive towards. It's a big night here...filled with jokes about shaving Tylers head with an arrow and words saying 'cut here' moments of not so funny...looking at each other and knowing that the scarey is with everyone....secretly..and not so.

Wherever you are tomorrow morning at 10.15am est...your thoughts or whatever good energy you can spare to pass this way, would be welcomed. It's been a lively week leading up to this day....lots of food, wine, laughter, exploring, getting to know each other, hikes, movies, watching as legal 'just incase' documents get made up, being grateful for life and the people who are in mine. I keep looking at my tattoo - 'this, too, will pass' - and realize that it applies to everything. It will never be an outdated tattoo. To live passionately, honestly, with respect and tolerance for people not like us (and even those like us), to walk towards others and experience with curiosity and amazement, standing with both feet on the line ready to jump into the next adventure...this surely, is the quest.

Live a life you love.....and love the life you live my friends.

See you tomorrow....with good news.



megster said...

my thoughts and prayers have been with Tyler, DW, the family and yourself over this time and will be even more so tomorrow..and..they've been joined by those of some good mates I shared the situation with..glad its been such a rich time, never a better time to be reminded to live the life u r not alone..peace to u all

KCmustang said...

You all were in my morning blessings and meditation. Peace, love and lots of healing thoughts to you and the family. Thoughts become things and i am keeping them positive. Beautiful post mate. This too will pass!

Tour Wonk said...

sending the good stuff, my friend...