Saturday, March 8, 2008


I have had so many beautiful pearls of wisdom offered to me over the past few months. Like, life changing pearls....some of which have even come from here, from you. I am so grateful for the out pouring of wisdom, the sense of community that can be found in a 'yeah, I've been there and this is what I did moment'.

'Assume everyone is doing their best'

Is the latest pearl that has been offered to me. I feel like it has changed a whole pile for me (btw. I think we Australian's use the word 'pile' when we can't think of another word for a lot of things all together).

If I can assume that someone is doing their best in a given situation it seems to take a lot of the angst out of that situation for me. It takes out my over expectation and my anger or removes any 'heat' I might be feeling towards that someone in that moment. And in fact, I have found that it allows my head to be a little clearer so I can work out my response better.

It is indeed a miracle cure I believe.

Try it perhaps? See if it works for you....


Who is laying in her nice comfy bed, first night in Chicago and unable to sleep!! I think it might be because I sense it could be snowing outside (as if I would actually know) and it could mean that I get to make my first ever snow person tomorrow and perhaps I am too excited to sleep.


megster said...

that is a great pearl..and i have added it to my collection straight up..glad you have found some helpful stuff in the replies.and now as the adventure begins, it will be ezciting to see you take it on in that way only you can
.it is indeed a kinda crazy but special thing to do the community thing..
glad you cleared up the pile you get to unpack yet??

Tour Wonk said...

Martine, sometimes those pearls are more like ben-wah balls.. but you are a smart cookie... you just need to trust that the universe has always and wil always provide...

I will now commence to tease you endlessly about ther weather where "you live"

Love ya...

Connie said...

"Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves".
Walter Anderson

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