Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A New Earth....

I have been putting together press packs for my new cd this afternoon and rehearsing for my shows, after walking for almost 3 hours this morning. My body is stiff and tired and well..actually, that is how all of me feels. I just sat down to read some more of A New Earth by Echart Tolle and I can't tell you how pivotal reading this book is going to be for me. I have been meaning to pick it up for two weeks now and yet, it was only last night that I actually did. And it was PERFECT TIMING...when I am trying to understand the concept of timing.

I wanted to share this part with you (which is a new part from rang truer for me!)...and I am sorry in advance, but I am probably going to do this a lot over the next week. Infact, we should start an online book club of our own....tell me the things you love about the book etc.

"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment."

Part of me wants to say FUCK YOU...the other part of me knows this to be true.

So...back to walking

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