Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ms Wolf

This is my great mate Julie Wolf, she sends me these photos to make me laugh outloud at her and it always helps me remember that most of life is not anywhere near as serious as we think it needs to be. She is one of the wisest people I know right now (and she would probably be embarrassed by all of this) gracious and kind and unbelievably talented and I miss her like mad.

She is the voice in my ear right now that reminds me of my strength, of my passion, of the great things I have to offer and of my ability to pick myself up, brush myself off and move on. She reminds me of my heart and of the depth of my soul. She reminds me that there are no mistakes and that everything provides us with an opportunity to learn, laugh, love and forgive more. She reminds me to breathe. She reminds me to not be a drama queen or play games but to know my truth and to stand in it proudly and unashamedly. She reminds me to stand up occasionally and yell, 'kiss my puckered poo hole'. She listens to my words and my stories closely and holds me accountable to my truth. She questions my words and kicks my ass with one hand and pats my soul with the other. She makes me laugh damn hard. She brings great healing to me in a time when I need it and shares herself so that I might learn from her story and her experience. She reminds me of some things I didn't even know about myself. And right now, she reminds me of all these things every day until the day comes when I don't need to be reminded and can remember for myself.

I have known her 10 years this year and she is truely one of my great friends.

And she likes vegemite.

And she makes a damn good fried egg sandwich.

And my heart misses her bad right now.

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