Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thought For The Day

A very very kind and beautiful buddhist leaning friend just emailed this to me:

" experience is to be wasted or forgotten, but all should be transformed into a source of wisdom and compassionate living."

This is my wish for myself. I want to be open to the world and to fully experiencing it. Being fully present along the way. Which of course means being open to fully feeling it as well....the icky stuff as well as the fuckin excellent stuff and everything in between. I am exhausted by trying to learn how to be fully present....and it can hurt like a motherfucker, but I know it will get easier as I practise it more. That I will learn where to put my energy, and where not to. And I will learn to walk on faster...

None of us adults are victims in our lives. We make choices. We can choose to take the hard stuff and not become bitter about it, to leave our hearts open to the world and use it as a way to become wiser and have deeper compassion and humility. Or we can choose not to. It's that simple...

These are the thoughts that fill my 'coffee filled-building a new website-getting excited to go on tour-looking for a car to buy' there anything in there for you I wonder?


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