Sunday, March 2, 2008

Do you?

Ever have those moments when you just get scared?

Scared that you're not going to be able to work it all out? Scared that you are going to fail? Scared that you are making the wrong choice? Scared that you are making the right choice? Scared of spiders or hairy crawly things that might walk across you when you sleep? Scared that you won't earn enough money? Scared that you have been following one path for a while, believing that it was the one thing you should be doing with your life and then suddenly because you haven't got all these things worked out, that perhaps you were wrong? Are you ever scared that you are wrong?

Do you ever just wake up in the middle of the night and find your heart thumping in your chest and your hands a little sweaty? Scared that someone is going to break your heart? Scared that things are just unclear or uncertain or uncomfortable? Are you ever scared of transition, of transformation of transmogrification? Are you ever scared that you don't know what that means?

Are you ever 'just' scared?

And when you are, what do you do?


KCmustang said...

You are funny even when you are scared. Yes i am scared that i do not know what transmogrification means! For me, it's ants... i am scared that i will have ants in my pants, in my house, in my bed and ....even in places i dont want to think of when i sleep.

Seriously though. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. Yes i have had all those things. I decided to throw away the words, wrong and mistake...we only have the moment we are in and after you live in that moment you live in the next....looking back is a dream really cuz you can't relive in reality you have lived your dream now make the most of your remaining moments. When i am scared i visualize detaching from my "stuff". Scared seems to exist when your will is battling your soul. We only have two purposes in our existence Love and Knowledge...keep being open to both and you will get there.

Martine Locke said...

Awesome post Trinity....great things to remember and to be reminded of. I need to think more on the idea that scared is the battle between the will and the soul...I do believe that. I just need it to go deeper into my being.

THanks for sharing Trinity...I appreciate it a lot.